交流会主题:Design and Innovation in Automotive Engineering
时间: 4月21日-4月22日,下午15:00-18:00(北京时间)
在线会议平台:Microsoft Team (可直接使用网页版进入会议室)
4.21 https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NjUwNDA4NDgtMTg1Ni00MDEzLTk1ODMtNDNmZjYwOGE3ZWZl%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%220a17712b-6df3-425d-808e-309df28a5eeb%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22898023d0-1093-4e60-92d9-09155e96b398%22%7d
4.22 https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NjUwNDA4NDgtMTg1Ni00MDEzLTk1ODMtNDNmZjYwOGE3ZWZl%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%220a17712b-6df3-425d-808e-309df28a5eeb%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22898023d0-1093-4e60-92d9-09155e96b398%22%7d
April 21 Link:Day One--1st XJTU-POLIMI joint workshop--April 21 |
Time |
Items |
3:00-3:10(BT)/ 9:00-9:10(MT) |
Opening speech from POLIMI |
3:10-3:20(BT)/ 9:10-9:20(MT) |
Opening speech from XJTU (Xueyong WEI, Vice Head of Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges) |
3:20-3:40(BT)/ 9:20-9:40(MT) |
Thermally activated smart materials for the automotive applications (R. Casati, E. Gariboldi) |
3:40-4:00(BT)/ 9:40-10:00(MT) |
Lightweight design (Yanshan LOU) |
4:00-4:20(BT)/ 10:00-10:20(MT) |
Lightweight design for automotive components (F. Ballo) |
4:20-4:40(BT)/ 10:20-10:40(MT) |
Additive manufacturing of smart composite structures (Xiaoyong TIAN) |
4:40-5:00(BT)/ 10:40-11:00(MT) |
Opportunities for Laser Manufacturing in E-mobility production (B. Previtali) |
5:00-5:20(BT)/ 11:00-11:20(MT) |
Topology optimization of high frequency vibration problems using the EFEM-based approach (Honglei LIU) |
5:20-5:40(BT)/ 11:20-11:40(MT) |
Array acoustics for noise source identification in automotive NVH testing (P. Chiariotti) |
5:40-6:00(BT)/ 11:40-12:00(MT) |
Health monitoring and prognostics of battery in connected vehicles (Junyi CAO) |
April 22 Link:Day Two--1st XJTU-POLIMI joint workshop--April 22 |
Time |
Items |
3:00-3:20(BT)/ 9:00-9:20(MT) |
Enhancement of handling performance of electric vehicles with distributed motors (M. Vignati) |
3:20-3:40(BT)/ 9:20-0:40(MT) |
Lightweight composite structures for railway energy absorption applications (Jin ZHOU) |
3:40-4:00(BT)/ 9:40-10:00(MT) |
Implementation on a prototype vehicle of a NMPC trajectory planner for urban scenarios (S. Arrigoni) |
4:00-4:20(BT)/ 10:00-10:20(MT) |
Battery management and system control for electric vehicles and robots. (Jun XU) |
4:20-4:40(BT)/ 10:20-10:40(MT) |
Bifurcation theory to study drivers reaction to external disturbances (G. Previati) |
4:40-5:00(BT)/ 10:40-11:00(MT) |
Rational design and advanced manufacturing of high-performance power batteries (Xiaofei SUN) |
5:00-5:10(BT)/ 11:00-11:10(MT) |
Driving simulator for user studies in various vehicle automation levels (G. Caruso) |
5:10-5:20(BT)/ 11:10-11:20(MT) |
Advanced CAD methods to improve Tread modeling (G. Colombo) |
5:20-5:30(BT)/ 11:20-11:30(MT) |
Conclusion of the workshop from both sides Workshop Ends |