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yl23455永利“国际月”——西交•通全球暑期学校(XJTISS)通知 西交•通全球暑期学校

发布时间:2024-06-27 点击数:

International Summer School of Xi' an Jiaotong University)

Secrets of Plasticity and Ductile Fracture for Metals

I. Course Overview

This lecture series is given by many leading researchers (including three academicians) from Germany, France, Romania, Japan, USA, South Korea and China, aiming to summarize the phenomena of plasticity and ductile fracture of metals and their constitutive modeling methods by 18 invited talks. The scope of these talks includes advanced experimental techniques, classical and novel constitutive models, and cutting-edge plastic forming processes. The lecture series will introduce anisotropic plastic deformation, strength differential effect, kinematic hardening, Bauschinger effect, hydrostatic pressure effect, yield surface evolution, kinematic hardening, anisotropic hardening, forming limit, damage, ductile fracture, strain rate effect, machine learning, advanced aluminum extrusion technology, incremental forming, etc.


地点:yl23455永利 兴庆校区 主楼A座202教室

International summer school of Xi’an Jiaotong University Group

Anyone who is interested in attending the lecture series, please scan the QR code to join the Wechat group to receive more information and link for the online lectures.

II. Course Timetable

III. Instructor Information

Professor Dorel Banabic

Prof. Banabic focuses on sheet metal forming and servo-hydraulics. He developed a series of anisotropic yield functions (BBC2000, BBC2005, BBC2008), which are widely used in industries and implimented by Autoform. He published more than 300 papers and 18 books. He was a member in the scientific committee of over 100 international conferences and chaired two conferences. He received the "Traian Vuia" award of the Romanian Academy and “Star of Romania” National Order (in 2016) of the Romanian President (Highest awards in Romania). He was President of the Board of Directors of ESAFORM. Prof. Banabic is a Fellow of The Romanian Academy, CIRP and the Academy of Technical Sciences of Romania.

Professor A. Erman Tekkaya

Dr. A. Erman Tekkaya is professor and the director of the Institute for Metal Forming and Lightweight Components (IUL) at the TU Dortmund University. His research interests cover fundamentals and technology of novel metal forming processes as well as material characterization for modelling the material behavior during plastic deformations. Dr. Tekkaya received the International Prize for Research & Development in Precision Forging of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity 2014 and the SME Gold Medal in 2022.  Dr. Tekkaya is member of the German Academy of Science and Engineering, fellow of the International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP) and member of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde (DGM). He was the Chair of the Editorial Committee of the CIRP Annals and the former Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Materials Processing Technology (JMPT). He published over 260 peer-reviewed papers, several books and has over 30 patents.

Professor Khemais Saanouni

Professor K. Saanouni was a distinguished professor of applied and computational mechanics at the University of Technology of Troyes (France). Prof. Saanouni published more than 300 scientific publications. He was Editor of the International Journal of Damage Mechanics (IJDM) and member of editorial board of the international journal of Material Forming (IJFO). Prof. Saanouni is a co-founder and member of the Directors of the ICDM (International Conference on Damage Mechanics) conference series since 2010. He was member of the NUMIFORM (International Conference on Numerical Methods in Metal Forming) conference series steering committee.

Professor Toshihiko Kuwabara

Dr. Toshihiko Kuwabara is professor of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, board member of Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity (JSTP), Chair of NUMISHEET 2018, and Chair of the committee for establishing the IS for “Biaxial Tensile Testing Method Using a Cruciform Test Piece” and “Multiaxial Tube Expansion Testing Method for Sheet Metals”. Prof. Kuwabara received more than 10 awards from JSTP. He was invited to give many plenary lectures in international conferences, such as IDDRG 2012, EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON FRACTURE 2012 and NUMIFORM 2013.

Professor Fusahito Yoshida

Prof. Fusahito Yoshida is Emeritus Professor of Hiroshima University. He served as committee, head of technical committee, associated editor of Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering  (JSME). Prof. Yoshida developed the Yoshida-Uemori Isotropic-kinematic hardening model to describe the Bauschinger effect and workhardening stagnation under large-strain cyclic loading. The YU model is implemented by many commercial FEA software, such as LS-DYNA, Autoform, etc and dramatically improves the springback prediction in sheet metal forming. He also proposed yield functions to model anisotropy evolution. Prof. Yoshida Chaired the AEPA 2016 in Hiroshima.

Prof. Hoon Huh is a Professor of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), a fellow member of ASME as well as KSME, KSAE, KSCM and a director of Korean Academy of Automotive Engineering. He was awarded the Distinguished Achievement Award at University of Michigan and the Technology Innovation Award at KAIST. Prof. Huh’s research interests include Ductile fracture criterion of metals at a wide range of strain rates, Material characterization of steels, metals, polymers at intermediate and high strain rates, Crashworthiness of vehicles and Sheet metal forming. He was the director of ADD HIPIE Research Center and is the director of High Speed Material Properties Data Center, National Center for Standard Reference Data. He has performed many researches on sheet metal forming, high strain-rate material properties, crashworthiness and auto-body design, failure analysis and impact analysis for dynamic deformation behavior and plastic structural design.

Professor Frederic Barlat

Prof. Frederic Barlat is professor at POSTECH (South Korea), professor at UBS Lorient (France), an Invited Full Professor of University of Aveiro (Portugal), an honorary professor at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania), and an adjunct professor at Xi’an Jiaotong University (China). He was the chairman of NUMIFORM2010 and co-chaired NUMISHEET2011. Prof. Barlat also serves as a member of the Advisory Boards of the International Journal of Plasticity, Metals and Materials International and ISIJ International. He received the ASM Henry Marion Howe Medal of the Material Society and the 2006 International Journal of Plasticity Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Field of Plasticity. The same year, he was featured by the Thomson Scientific Essential Science IndicatorsSM for an article published in 2003. His Yld89, Yld91, Yld96, Yld2000-2d and Yld2004-18p functions are widely used by FEA software and engineering for simulation of sheet metal forming. In the last 12 year, Prof. Barlat developed HAH family anisotropic hardening models for evolution modeling of yield surfaces under non-proportional loading.

Professor Jinjin Ha

Dr Jinjin Ha received her bachelor, master and phd at POSTECH supervised by Prof. Barlat and M.-G. Lee. She is assistant professor at University of New Hampshire and currently work with Prof. Y. Korkolis and Prof. Tekkaya at IUL, TU Dortmund as Alexander von Humboldt scholar. Her research interests include material characterization, constitutive modeling, machine learning, conventional/non-conventional manufacturing process, etc. Prof. Ha actively served as conference/symposium organizer of ICTP2021, ICTP2023, NUMIFORM2019, etc and give many keynote and invited talks in international conferences, such as ISNNM2024, ICPDF2024, NUMISHEET2023 and TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition2023.

Professor Yanshan Lou

Dr. Yanshan Lou is currently professor of Mechanical Engineering at Xi'an Jiaotong University. His research includes plasticity and fracture characterization, sheet metal forming, lightweight design, crash analysis, etc. His ductile fracture criteria and yield functions are commercialized by Anays LS-DYNA as *MAT_LOU-YOON_Anisotropic_Plasticity. He received the O.C. Zienkiewicz Award in 2019, and the Int. J. Plasticity Young Research Award in 2021. He serves as the editorial board member for Int. J. Plasticity, Int. J. Mater. Form., Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, etc.

IV. Any other information required

Admission Information

The program caters to a wide variety of audiences, including undergraduates, graduates, researchers and engineers interested in plasticity, sheet metal forming, simulation, etc. All are more than welcome to join the program.

Xi’an Jiaotong University will provide a study certificate (completion certificate) for this summer course, along with seminar stamps.

Contact and Inquire PersonYanshan Lou, Email: ys.lou@xjtu.edu.cn

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