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达索系统SIMULIA优化技术总监Claus Pedersen博士学术讲座

发布时间:2018-04-12 点击数:

达索系统SIMULIA优化技术总监Claus Pedersen博士学术讲座

应yl23455永利先进制造技术研究所邀请,达索系统SIMULIA优化技术总监Claus Pedersen博士来我校进行学术交流,欢迎各位感兴趣的同学和老师参加。

讲座题目:Additive Manufacturing Designing and Process Simulation增材制造设计和工艺仿真

讲座学者:Claus Pedersen博士,达索系统SIMULIA优化技术总监


讲座地点:机械制造系统工程国家重点实验室 yl23455永利曲江校区西五楼A420


Claus Pedersen博士是达索系统SIMULIA研发CTO办公室的优化技术总监。他负责制定研发战略、开发和审查基于创新优化方法的技术、CAE和优化内核编程、竞争情报、技术尽职调查、同国际顶尖大学进行核心优化技术指导和知识分享。在加入达索系统之前,他于2002年获得丹麦技术大学机械工程系的博士学位并在英国剑桥大学工程系工作。Claus Pedersen博士并且是2017年10月4日发表在自然杂志上对波音777机翼进行仿生式结构设计优化论文的审稿人,该篇论文获得学术界和工业界的广泛关注。

Dr. Claus Pedersen is Optimization Technology Director at the CTO Office of R&D SIMULIA, Dassault Systèmes. His roles include defining R&D strategies, inventing and examining the technology of new optimization methodologies, coding of CAE and optimization kernels, competitive intelligence, technical due diligence, coaching and knowledge sharing for core optimization technologies and corporations with leading international universities. Prior joining DS, he received his Ph.D. at Department of Mechanical Engineering of Technical University of Denmark in 2002 and worked at Department of Engineering, Cambridge University, UK.



The present presentation shows the latest industrial simulation solutions and workflows applied for Additive Manufacturing (AM) process simulation and designing with a special focus on structural topology and sizing optimization. Realistic simulation including pre-loading of the assemble process, stiffness of the bolt connections and contacts are included for realistic AM optimization results. An AM constraint for topology optimization is considered in the form of an overhanging constraint. Additionally, a highly customizable general simulation framework is proposed for a wide spectrum of AM processes based on a general thermal-stress general purpose finite element code for eliminating trial-and-error manufacturing adjustments as well as ensuring that produced AM parts meet tolerance, performance and durability requirements. Several industrial applications and benchmarks from the aerospace, automotive and consumer goods industry will be shown.




Niels Aage, Erik Andreassen, Boyan S. Lazarov & Ole Sigmund, Technical University of Denmark

Giga-voxel computational morphogenesis forstructural design

NATURE RESEARCH LETTER doi:10.1038/nature23911

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